Using woohoo pDNS

There are three ways you can use your installation of woohoo pDNS.

  • via the command line interface (CLI)

  • via the REST interface

  • via the Python API

We well show each of the usage types in turn here.

Command Line Interface (CLI)

The CLI is accessible via the pdns command. It has a help switch (-h/--help):

$ pdns -h
usage: pdns [-h] [-f CONFIG_FILE] [-q | -v | -d] {load,export,query} ...

CLI for woohoo pDNS.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
                        The config file to use, must contain the connection
                        string for the database, e.g. 'conn_str =
                        sqlite:///test.db' in a section called '[DB]'
  -q, --quiet           be quiet (only output critical messages)
  -v, --verbose         be verbose
  -d, --debug           be as verbose as you can

  available subcommands

  {load,export,query}   see help for respective sub-command
    load                load data into the pDNS database
    export              export data to a JSON file
    query               query the database (returns JSON)

So you could for example load files created by supermediator using the following command:

$ pdns -f pdns.conf load -p "dns.*.txt" /var/spool/silk/dns

The contents of pdns.conf is described in the Installation guide under Create the configuration file.

Or you could query the database as follows:

$ pdns -f pdns.conf query "*"
    "hitcount": 2,
    "rdata": "",
    "rrname": "",
    "rrtype": 6,
    "time_first": 1479937407.0,
    "time_last": 1479937407.0



You cannot add data to the database via the RESTful API.

Once gunicorn sering the RESTful API (and the reverse proxy protecting it) is up and running, you can query it using curl as follows:

curl -D - -H "Authorization: <your_api_token>" <server_ip>/api/count
curl -D - -H "Authorization: <your_api_token>" <server_ip>/api/recent
curl -D - -H "Authorization: <your_api_token>" <server_ip>/api/q/

Python API

Here is a sample Python API session:

import logging
import configparser

from woohoo_pdns.pdns import Database

config_f = configparser.ConfigParser()"my.conf")
conn_str = config_f["DB"]["conn_str"]
d = Database(conn_str)

r = d.add_record(1, "foo", "bar.")
d.find_record(1, "foo")
d.add_record(1, "foo", "bar", num_hits=40)
d.find_record(1, "foo")
