Source code for woohoo_pdns.api.db

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from flask import current_app, g

from woohoo_pdns import pdns

[docs]def init_app(app): """Called from the Flask app's :meth:`create_app` and used to register the teardown method (:meth:`close_db`).""" app.teardown_appcontext(close_db)
[docs]def get_db(): """Provide access to a single :class:`woohoo_pdns.pdns.Database` for all API endpoints.""" if 'db' not in g: g.db = pdns.Database(current_app.config["DATABASE"]) return g.db
[docs]def close_db(e=None): """Close the :class:`woohoo_pdns.pdns.Database` that is present in Flask's global state.""" db = g.pop('db', None) if db is not None: db.close()