woohoo_pdns.api package


woohoo_pdns.api.api module


The method supporting the count API endpoint. It just returns the number of records in the database.


The number of entries in the database (as string).


The method supporting the recent API endpoint. It returns the most recent entry from the database.

For example like this:

    "hitcount": 56,
    "time_first": 1559244767.913,
    "time_last": 1559245313.506,
    "rrtype": 1,
    "rrname": "prod-cc-asn-20190411-1321-nlb-19436c10e4427871.elb.us-east-1.amazonaws.com",
    "rdata": ""

The method supporting the query API endpoint.


q (str) – The term to search for (use ‘*’ as wildcard).


A JSON structure compatible with the Passive DNS - Common Output Format.

An example:

        "hitcount": 7,
        "time_first": 1559245077.432,
        "time_last": 1559245077.432,
        "rrtype": 5,
        "rrname": "www.icloud.com.edgekey.net",
        "rdata": "e4478.a.akamaiedge.net."

woohoo_pdns.api.api.verify_password(username, password)[source]

Check if a valid API key was provided.

Called by flask_httpauth when authentication is required. As woohoo pDNS is ‘misusing’ flask_httpauth to avoid reinventing the wheel, username and password will always be empty (we do not use basic authentication).

The API key must be provided in a header called Authorization and have the following format:

"Authorization: <API key as configured in config file>"
  • username (str) – Ignored (would be the username for basic authentication).

  • password (str) – Ignored (would be the password for basic authentication).

woohoo_pdns.api.config module

class woohoo_pdns.api.config.DefaultSettings[source]

Bases: object

The default configuration of the API just demonstrates the available options.

API_KEYS = ['IXsA7uRnxR4xek4JDEG5vk2oGjTYDSqaoKLRQLVjV2s3kw0bbv49qrgAT7Bk3g2K', 'jLHKK0AIk1l6r3W8SAJj4Lh0v2a27JGbSSd406mr0u5FNrJn6RLWQ5m6qPYXT0d5']

The complete list of available/valid API keys.

DATABASE = 'sqlite:///demo.db'

The connection string to be used by SQLAlchemy.

SECRET_KEY = 'snakeoil'

Flask uses a secret key to encrypt things that sould be tamper proof (for example the Session object).

__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'woohoo_pdns.api.config', '__doc__': 'The default configuration of the API just demonstrates the available options.', 'SECRET_KEY': 'snakeoil', 'DATABASE': 'sqlite:///demo.db', 'API_KEYS': ['IXsA7uRnxR4xek4JDEG5vk2oGjTYDSqaoKLRQLVjV2s3kw0bbv49qrgAT7Bk3g2K', 'jLHKK0AIk1l6r3W8SAJj4Lh0v2a27JGbSSd406mr0u5FNrJn6RLWQ5m6qPYXT0d5'], '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'DefaultSettings' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'DefaultSettings' objects>})
__module__ = 'woohoo_pdns.api.config'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

woohoo_pdns.api.db module


Close the woohoo_pdns.pdns.Database that is present in Flask’s global state.


Provide access to a single woohoo_pdns.pdns.Database for all API endpoints.


Called from the Flask app’s create_app() and used to register the teardown method (close_db()).

Module contents


A Flask specific method that is called automagically.